Vanessa S


Last active 2 years ago

  1. 2 years ago
    Tue Nov 2 17:41:32 2021
    V Vanessa S started the conversation Color Saturation.


    I'm curious if you may know why the color quality of a cover image I uploaded looks a bit muted? When I click the preview of the cover it is fully saturated, but when I click to preview the ebook the color quality looks softer and not as saturated/colorful. Any idea why?

    Thank you!

  2. Thu Oct 14 23:29:15 2021
    V Vanessa S started the conversation Reformatting Completed eBook.


    I just finished the process of creating an animated eBook and really love the finished project. I exported the EPUB, but am receiving an error message from Apple when I try to upload the EPUB file.

    I think my file size is too big and I am curious if it is possible to reformat the size of an entire project? I found a way to resize the canvas, but all of the contents and animations did not move with it. I spent a great deal of time creating and would love to find a way to reformat without having to recreate all over again.

    If it is helpful to email my questions directly I'd be happy to. Is there a direct contact available to reach out to pubcoder with questions?

    Thank you so much!