epub export

  1. 6 weeks ago

    I need some clarification about EPUB exports. I’ve noticed that when exporting to EPUB, it exports the currently displayed rendition, unlike when exporting to an app. If I export an iPad-proportioned rendition and upload the book to Apple Books, what happens if someone downloads it on an iPhone with a different screen ratio? Will it automatically adjust?

    I’d love to take advantage of the Apple Books Store in addition to the App Store, but I’m not sure what the best approach is. Any guidance would be appreciated!

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Angelo S

    Feb 26 Administrator

    Yep. Multiple renditions are not supported on Apple Books so you have to pick one. BTW if this is related to the other question, that's something that can justify having an app instead of a book

  3. Ha, good idea! thanks!


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