Effects Interactivity Masking

  1. 5 weeks ago

    Hello I am a complete newbie so please be go easy.

    I am trying to have an effect which i applied in the selection panel (shake) to show on tap but I just seems to activate on load every time.
    I tried to hide then show in the interactivity panel but no good their either.
    So how to apply effects with timing or other movement etc.

    Second question when i rotate an object in a small increment. Then you click it again it keeps rotating more after each click, even when i have a second rotation bringing it back to 0.

    Also what does an action list do. If the interactivity / action panel is basically the actions.

    Interactivity button... Why do you use this when your interactivity is in the actions panel.

    Also masking... is there an option to mask out objects like photoshop because I can only find tuts about a layered scratch off format.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Angelo S

    Feb 26 Administrator

    The "Effect" property interactivity panel is for simple effects when the element appears on the page.
    If you want a similar effect when you click, you need to use actions to quickly hide the object without any animation and then show it again with the shake animation



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