Error in Read Aloud to turn page automatic Readium

  1. 9 years ago

    I have a problem in ePub. It was produced with read aloud on every page.
    It works well in ibooks. But does not work well in Readium when activated the automatic page turn.
    I really need this function is working well.
    Can you help me with this?

  2. Giancarlo N

    29 Jan 2016 Administrator

    is the one described here ?

    When starting the book, the text will highlight and read aloud, but when it turns the page the highlighting of the text stops while the audio continues to play. At the end of the page it will then start again on the same page highlighting the text with the audio. Essentially, it seems it takes Readium a second pass on the page in order to work.

    We have been able to narrow the problem down to when the text is tagged with audio. It seems if the tag is put in place before the audio begins this issue happens. It is concerning though that other readers do not encounter this problem such as iBooks.

  3. And there would be some coding to stop a automatic page turn?

  4. Hello Tatiana and Giancario, I hope you don't mind me commenting on this tread. I am having the same issue, however this problem does not only happen in Readium, Adobe Digital Edition has also encountered the same issue where when it turns page the highlighting of the text stops while the audio continues to play.

    Giancario, I took your advise and start the tagging process once the audio starts. It works fine when the page turns automatically, however there is another issue that I have come across when the book is played in Readium and Adobe Digital Edition.

    When you manually turn the page and play the book, It cuts off the first bit of the audio, most likely the first word because the tagging is only put in place once the audio starts. This makes it harder as content creators would have to be absolutely precise and start the tag process on the dot when the audio plays.

    What are your thoughts about this? Anyway to resolve this problem.

  5. Hi Vithya, The same problem happens here. I found no way to solve.
    Giancarlo, also like to know if there is any way to make the automatic scrolling text along with the read aloud.


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