Referenced resource could not be found in the EPUB

  1. 6 years ago

    Hi Im creating an ePub file and keep getting errors that say :

    OEBPS/css/general.styles.css Referenced resource could not be found in the EPUB.
    OEBPS/css/general.styles.css, line 28, column OEBPS/fonts/Cafeteria-Black.otf
    OEBPS/css/general.styles.css Referenced resource could not be found in the EPUB.
    OEBPS/css/general.styles.css, line 34, column OEBPS/fonts/Cafeteria-Bold.otf

    The file won't validate as an ePub

    What gives?

  2. Paolo A

    16 Apr 2018 Administrator

    Hello Robert,

    please send over the file with a wetransfer or any other link to, we will look into it.


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