ERROR ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid

  1. 6 years ago

    ho cercato di caricare un'IPA generata con Pubcoder 3.1.1 (917) tramite application loader, ma dopo minuti di caricamento ottengo questo messaggio di errore:

    ERROR ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid"

    sapete dirmi da cosa può dipendere?

    Hi ya all,
    i got this error message while uploading an IPA with Application loader:

    ERROR ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid

    someone know what it can be related to?
    i'm using Pubcoder 3.1.1 to generate the IPA file.


  2. Angelo S

    4 Jun 2018 Administrator

    Hello Giulio,
    probably something concerning codesigning or provisioning profiles?


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