Portrait FXL on Kindle fails to process on KDP

  1. 4 years ago

    I successfully made a landscape FXL for Kindle but now a portrait format won't finish the processing at KDP. It validates, it checks out in Oxygen Author, no errors of any kind! It works on devices when side loaded. It's mostly images and little text. I made it at 1200x1920 for a Fire 8.9 screen. Could this be where the trouble lies? I upload it fine and then before the processing finishes it gives me a warning that it failed to process. I al stumped. I can usually figure out these problems but not this time.

  2. It could possibly be from a bug with Kindle previewers conversion to mobi format but I tried an ePub 3 export and it didn't help. I went ahead and made a reflowable book. Trying another Pubcoder landscape book to see if the problem persists. I will update you.


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