1. 8 years ago

    is it possible change the button's shape? something like trapezoidal? or triangular?
    to cover a complex geometry is it correct overlap layers with same function?

    è possibile cambiare la forma dei bottoni ( o dell'area interattiva)? sarebbe molto utile una forma trapeziodale o triangolare.
    Dovo rendere attivabile una forma complessa: è corretto utilizzare più bottoni con le stesse funzioni? (che ovviamente in alcuni punti si sovrappongono)


  2. Edited 8 years ago by Hem L

    That is completely wrong in this GUI environment.

    PubCoder doesn't have a graphic engine (at least not one that you can use to change a button's shape) BUT you can do this (mine) solution:

    -create 4 rectangles and shrink their height to 3-4 pixels -> that will give the feeling of a "line" (NB: it will be kinda hard move those obj around dragging them as they won't have much height....)

    -dispose the 4 lines in the shape that you want (trapezoidal or whatever)

    -create a completely blank / transparent button/shape/whatever

    -put it over the shape you created

    -give the actions you want on touch

    Was this helpful?

    PS: I didn't get the end of your sentence..not even in italian (and I'm italian) but if you explain I'll gladly answer if I know how to do that

  3. Hi Lem,

    Thankyou for your solution: it's smart!

    My solution was use 2 different buttons, with same effects and different shapes, one over the other. The different shapes cover all the area designated, so all the area was iteractive.

    Ok, ora provo in italiano: ho usato due pulsanti con la stessa funzione ma forma di versa, li ho disposti uno sopra l'altro in modo che le differenti sagome coprissero tutta l'area che volevo rendere attiva. In questo modo ha funzionato: perchè ovunque c'era una zona sensibile che rispondeva al tocco.

    buon lavoro


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