Different File Resolutions for Different Layouts

  1. 7 years ago

    I'm currently working on my eBook.

    I decided to prepare all materials based on the new iPad resolution 2048x1536 and later on, down sample the assets for other lower resolution layouts.

    However, since I have lots of images in the eBook, most of them in PNG format, just switching to the lower res layout won't automatically lower the resolution and thus won't lower the files size after publishing. I noticed that it will just turn the "Zoom" parameter to something lower than 1.

    I'm ok to manually "Edit the Image" for each "Image" object in each paged that I have in the book. But:

    1- Things get impossible when it comes to "Animation" objects containing a series of PNG images. Should I/Can I replace every single frame with lower res files?

    2- Also, since I am using one image as BG for all the pages, I was wondering after switching to the lower res layout, can I simply replace this single BG image for all the pages, and not page by page.

    OR: there might be a simpler solution to automatically force PubCoder to render in lower res for the lower res layout?



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