Keeping the screen on

  1. 8 years ago

    There must be an option (if there is, I can't find it...) to keep the screen on. A book is usually read aloud by a narrator, the kids listen and might not touch the screen for a while. Then, suddenly, the screen turns off, and when awaken (by one of the parents...), the page reloads and narrations starts over from the beginning. This is a big issue, in my eyes.
    If there's a way around that, please advise.

  2. Angelo S

    13 Jan 2016 Administrator

    Hi Ran,
    We will investigate further on implementing a feature to let the author decide the minimum delay for the screen to turn off. Never letting the screen turn off is not generally a good idea, and also some of our users use PubCoder to create things that are more apps than books, so we want to implement tuneable preference instead of a fixed behavior.
    Keep in mind that we still have to verify if this is technically possible on both iOS and Android. As for the EPUB3 or HTML output, that behavior depends on the reader/browser of choice.

    Best Regards,

  3. Sure, that's what I meant.
    BTW, I found a way to do it in Java, but not Javascript:

    Many games do keep the screen on at all times. see Candy Crash for example. Obviously, it consumes a lot of power, but at least for a self-reading book it makes sense (to me).


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