Problems displaying Interactive map on a server

  1. 3 months ago

    Hi all,
    I have created a project "GeografiaBasicaSurAmericaMuestra" with Pubcoder on a MAC system, with macOS Monterrey version 12.7.5.Within the project, I have embeded an external html file the created with Visual Studio Code. (VSC). The file is in a folder AMERICASUR, and it contains an interactive map of South America on page 3, which displays infomation on hover a county, and plays audio on click. I tested the file on VSC and it works. I added the folder AMERICASUR to the assets and attached it to the project. I created a Smart Object and pasted the following code:

    <iframe src="../folders/AMERICASUR/indexAudioTexto.html" style="width:100%; height:100%; border:0;"></iframe>

    A preview in PubCoder works perfectly,so I exported the HTML5 project into a folder I called GeoBasicaSurAmericaMuestra. This folder was uploaded into my hostinger webserver public_html folder. I run the site and it works patially. All pages dsiplay correctly except page3, tthe interacive map. Page3 shows momentarly and then disappears. Please see the site at

    Can you help me with this problem?

    Thank you.

    Carlos M Arroyave V.

  2. Angelo S

    Jul 10 Administrator

    Hello Carlos,
    I opened the project and it works for me: maybe a cache issue?

    Even tried on both Safari and Chrome.


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