Tiny icon on Android app

  1. 6 months ago

    I have made an Android app with Pubcoder. When I open the app on my Android tablet it very small image is shown on a grey background for a few seconds. The image is square and is the launch image set in the app. After a few seconds the image (the launch image) gets fullscreen.
    Is this behaviour a Pubcoder thing on Android?
    Here's a screenshot of the tiny image on the tablet: https://johnnorgaard.dk/IMG_6911.jpg

  2. 5 months ago

    Angelo S

    5 Sep 2024 Administrator

    yes, on later android versions the icon is bigger

  3. Edited 5 months ago by John N

    I have tried it on Android version 14 and it still opens with a tiny image (but differently cropped).
    Is there any solution that the app can open with the full-screen image?
    Here's a screenshot from Android version 14: https://johnnorgaard.dk/tiny-image.jpg

  4. Angelo S

    Sep 23 Administrator

    nope, that's the way android apps open.

  5. 3 months ago

    I have also noticed this. Can you change the background color from grey to something else? Other apps seem to display a white background. Also if you buy the software at the end of the trial, does the Pubcoder start-up page go away or is that always there with android app exports?

  6. Angelo S

    Nov 5 Administrator

    It's always there and fixed at the moment. You can only change the icon.

  7. As outlined in this link: https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/launch/splash-screen , the splash screen can be customized. At present, it appears to reflect the device's launcher or the system's default theme. Ideally, it should display the logo image specified in the settings (under "Launch image") or a combination of the logo and background, similar to what is shown immediately after this smaller image.

  8. Angelo S

    Dec 4 Administrator

    "The splash screen experience brings standard design elements to every app launch, but it's also customizable so your app can maintain its unique branding".
    You can only change the background color and the icon (which we do), not its placement or layout.


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