Project ID use

  1. 2 months ago

    What is the purpose of the "Project ID" under Project Inspector --> Metadata? I duplicated my book to create a second, similar one, and noticed that the metadata, including the Project ID, remains the same. Does this have any impact? If needed, how can I change it?

  2. Angelo S

    Dec 9 Administrator

    It is used internally by pubcoder for various things, e.g. keys used to save user data (e.g. a coloring game user drawing, or the last page viewed) to localstorage et similia: if you use the same id for different books, you could end up mixing this data.
    As a general rule of thumb, different books should have different IDs, if you duplicate a project, you can simply append -1,-2,-3 and so on to the id or something similar.

  3. I see, thanks. I'll append the index.


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