Triggering a Button in Another Page

  1. 8 years ago


    Trying to control the visibility of some objects in the whole eBook, I was wondering if there is a way to trigger a button in another page.

    The button ID is for example obj005 and it's sitting in page 4. Can I trigger it using a button in page 1? Something similar to this javascript:

    $("#obj005 ").trigger(PubCoder.Events.TouchUp);

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Meg A

    I also thought of having a "Counter" object in the "Overlay" as a value holder so it will exist in all pages and I can read its value to trigger buttons, but unfortunately, within pages, I won't have access to the objects that are in the "Overlay".

  3. You can use Local Storage: .
    I have used that in a Pubcoder Epub and it works.

  4. Thanks John,

    I'll look into it now.


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