Apk build - missing build.xml

  1. 7 years ago

    When I try to publish an apk file I get this error :

    C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\PubCoder\Caches\251~1.733\Projects\1\Compiler\SCANDR~1\11D0A5~1.1\C1\apk-temp\COMSAM~1.AND\COMSAM~1.AND\build.xml:90: Cannot find C:\Users\xxxx\ANDROI~2\tools\ant\build.xml imported from


    I have tried with various projects.

    And also is it possible to have an idea of the values to input for the keystore file ?

    Thanks a lot.

  2. Angelo S

    21 Jul 2017 Administrator

    Please try to reinstall Android SDK from PubCoder Preferences.
    What is unclear about keystore metadata? They are all author metadata like company, address and so on, and then there is the key, which is entered automatically, and the password...

  3. Ok I have not noticed that I can install from Pubcoder; I will try it and get back to you.

    All metadata seem clear but since I was getting error messages I was wondering if there is something I am missing (I am using fake information 123456 as password for example).


  4. Angelo S

    24 Jul 2017 Administrator

    the password is a password YOU choose for YOUR keystore file, so you can enter whatever you like

  5. Issue resolved. The download couldn't finish maybe due to the internet so I have to manually check in Pubcoder files to figure out the required android-sdk required.

    In case someone gets error messages such as "unable to resolve target android-19" or "java error message" you might need to check the compatibility of the versions available in the folders "tools", "platform-tools" and the android version in the "platforms" folder.

    It is working great.



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