Problem to Convert Indesign to PubCoder on Mac

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Marco G

    Im trying convert a CS6 indd file, but I receive a error:


    With the version 2 or 3 I got the same error.

    With the Indesign closed ou opened, I got the same error.

    I try different files and the error is the same.

  2. Paolo A

    22 Jan 2018 Administrator

    Hi Marco,

    PubCoder supports conversion only the Creative Cloud version of InDesign.

  3. 3 years ago

    Can someone explain what is the error 35?
    I'm trying to import a file from Indesign but the same error appears every time:
    "error in indesign script execution: -35"

  4. I have had this error when trying to change the document size in PubCoder and make it different to the InDesign file size (this is flagged as an experimental feature). I ended up changing the document size in InDesign first.


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