Android app opening and freezing on Pubcoder logo page

  1. 4 years ago

    I have exported an eBook project as an ad-hoc android app and have successfully launched a test release on the Amazon app store.
    I can download the test app and open it on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 running Android 5.1.1, but it opens to a page displaying a Pubcoder logo and freezes there.

    This is one of the eBook projects I am having a similar problem with opening the xpub version in pubreader (it opens to a blank screen).
    I notice when downloading Pubreader from the Google Play store there is a message saying the app may not be optimised for my device.
    Perhaps the issue is that my device is too old, and more recent devices would play the android app or xpub file without any problems. Which would be frustrating because I've just purchased this device specifically for the purposes of testing, based on advice that Pubreader works on Android 5.0 and above.

    Still trying to find a solution to offer Android users for my books...

  2. Hi Kathryn,
    I'm currently in the process of uploading an app to Amazon App store for the 1st time.
    (I have a couple of apps on Google Play store so I thought I'd give Amazon a go.)
    I submitted the APK then got this message back:

    "We are unable to test your app as it does not function as intended. The app exits/ force closes/ freezes/ displays an error message after being launched. Please fix the issue and re-submit the app."

    I have tested it on Android 8 and 10 with no problems but the people at Amazon may have been testing on more devices and so hit the freeze up that you did.

    I have asked for more information from them and raised a bug report with Pubcoder.

    I'll post on this thread when/if I hear anything back. (probably after the holidays at this stage)

  3. Hi @Phil, thx for the info. I got my son to test the xPub file using Pubreader on his Oppo A series smartphone, running Android 10, and he reported it worked well. I'm still trying to get him to test the Amazon app for me, but he's gone surfing... ;-P So I probably won't have any luck there for at least a week. I'll try to get son #2 to test, and report back. On a positive note, the app has finally become available for testing on Google Play (took days, not hours) and apart from opening to a tiny thumbnail of the app icon while it loads, then to the Pubreader page, it works perfectly, even on my old Galaxy A6 tablet. So progress!
    I just need to figure out how to make it open to a decent size thumbnail or other display while it loads.

  4. Hi Kathryn,

    received this from Amazon Support yesterday evening:

    Thank you for writing in. We are pleased to confirm that your app is LIVE and available on the Amazon Appstore for download. "

    So a happy ending. I requested that they re-test the app allowing time for it to load and it seems that they did.

    If you figure out how to remove the Pubcoder splash screen while loading please let me know.

  5. :-) Happy days both ways... and yes, I'll let you know if I find a trick for the splash screen.


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