Is it possible to instruct pubcoder to ignore text when being read aloud? I build bilingual inter-liner text for language learning. Only the target language should be read aloud. I have been using Alberto Parrain Aeneas and Sigil in my workflow. Unfortunately some of the tools are now depreciated and it has always been a mess.
Here is a sample of the text [missing the formatting. ]
M. de Tréville gagne dix mille écus par an; c’est donc un fort
M. de Tréville earns ten thousand crowns a year; it is therefore a strong
grand seigneur. – Il a commencé comme vous, allez le voir avec
nobleman. - He started like you, go see him with
cette lettre, et réglez-vous sur lui, afin de faire comme lui.»
this letter, and adjust to it, in order to do as it does.
A short clip from YouTube
Any help will be appreciated