Multiple drag zone with multiple drop zone

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi, I am applying on objects multiple drag options with multiple drop zones. But when I drop object on particular target, there is another chance to drop object on the same target. How can I fix it?

  2. Batool A,
    In your Drop Zone edit action, you can add an Interactive Area over to the top of the Drop Zone. (make sure it is on top)
    The Interactive Area should be set to Show Object and be the final action in your Drop Zone Action Panel.
    In the Interactive [b]Area inspector panel[/b] turn Hidden on and Always Touch on. This will ensure that when its activated it will not be seen.
    This will lockout the Drop Zone so nothing else can be placed on it.
    Hope this is helpful.

  3. Carlton M,
    Thank you for your response. I tried but seems that I am unable to follow instructions properly. Can you please suggest me video about this or can you make rough short video on this? Thank you for your time and help!

  4. Here's a conversation I had with Paolo last year. He helped me with the same problem.

    Carlton M 8 Mar 2016
    I'm developing a sticker book. I have a Counter Object with a Drag Object to a Target Drop Zone. Once 6 objects are place in their drop zones an animation plays.
    The problem is that the object being dragged to the counter object does not lock down when it hits it's drop zone. I am able to move the sames object to the same drop zone continually until the animation plays without touching any of my other objects.
    Is their a way to lock the object down once it hits it drop zone? Thank you.

    Paolo A 14 Mar 2016 Administrator
    It's up to you to decide what happens when the object is dropped in the dropped zone. To do so: edit the actions and add move object with target "self" to stick it where you prefer.

    Carlton M 15 Mar 2016
    The problem is that it doesn't stay where you put it. A child's hand can easily move it out of it's position again. Then, if it's moved back to it's original position for the second time the counter object increases.
    Is their a way to lock the object down once it hits it drop zone? Thank you.

    Paolo A 15 Mar 2016 Administrator
    There are many ways to do obtain this, a couple:

    Duplicate the object that you want to drag, position it to the end position like if it was dropped, and set it as hidden. When the original object is dropped, move it to the right position, hide self and show the hidden object. The duplicated object has no events assigned, thus cannot be moved
    Create an empty rectangle or an interactive area overlapping the dropped zone, and set it as hidden and "always catch touch", in a layer in front of the draggable object. When the object is dropped show the rectangle/interactive area, and the underlying objects cannot receive touches any more.

  5. Carlton M
    Hi, I just used pubcoder because of drag and drop activity. Unfortunately, I am failed.
    Please check this picture through link which I want to achieved.

    Please help me. I am trying to make for many days. Can you share with me your email address? So, I can send you my pubcoder file and you can see what is wrong from my end.

  6. Okay, my email address is Send me a Dropbox link if you have one. If not it's okay.
    Please explain in detail what you're trying to accomplish. The picture is unclear.
    Thank you.

  7. Hi, Mail sent. Please check it. Thank you so much for your help and time!

  8. Batool, I have not received any mail from you. Your file size may be too big to send through normal email.

  9. 6 years ago

    Hi, Please download from here :

  10. Okay Batool, here you go. I think this is what you wanted. You can also add sound to each action. If you want to add an event when the task is completed successfully you'll need to add the (Counter Object)
    Let me know and I'll do it for you.

  11. Hi, Thank you so much for your time and help! This is what I am looking! :)


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