Underline spacing

  1. 6 years ago

    Is there a way to make the underline spacing a little further from the text, than the standard pubcoder setting?

  2. Angelo S

    28 Nov 2017 Administrator

    You'll need a bit of code to handle this:

    - define a CSS class like this in the project CSS code:

    .my_underline {
        border-bottom:1px solid black;

    - then open the code of your text box and apply the class to the span of text you want to underline, e.g.:

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <span class="my_underline">consectetur</span> adipiscing elit. Phasellus semper est vitae feugiat elementum. Duis egestas sem sed tellus commodo, eu rhoncus ipsum dapibus. Sed ac metus nunc.</p>
  3. Thank you for the assist!


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