Generate TOC

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi. I am doing an epub and mobi version of a book.
    In the Inspector icon, I've named my page title and quote or not where my chapters start. As well, I've named my thumbnails.
    After publishing my books, I found out to have a very long list of toc. Starting by one auto generated list of chapter with numbers (chapter 1, chapter 2, etc), followed by my list and them all the page names.
    I can easily enter into the toc.xhtml sheet of the .epub to remove the unnecessary chapters. For the mobi, I can't do it.
    What is the good way to render the toc you want ?
    Thanks for your feedback,

  2. TOC renders automatically and there's no control over it, so I guess you have to change manually everything

    PS: maybe there's something wrong about the notes and the weight that your code gives to them -> also pages appear in the TOC (that normally wouldn't happen and doesn't happen to me in my book without footnotes and such elements)

    Sooooo I think the good way to do this (differently to inDesing that let you chose the way to render TOC) is to keep things as much simple as you can and then in a second moment change them manually after you finished your book..

  3. Thanks a lot for your post.
    I've simplified the toc and will "clean" manually the .epub after publishing it but the issue is more for the .mobi version; I can't modify it as it's encoded in .mobi (can I ?)

  4. Hi penelope, I'm sorry but I'm not that familiar with the mobi I guess you'll be on your own on this subject..


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