White flash

  1. 8 years ago

    My android app renders slowly and tend to give white flashes while changing pages and loading objects.
    This do not happens in preview mode inside pubcoder but only when outputted and opened on a tablet (galaxy note 10
    Do you have any suggestion?

    Thank you in advance

  2. I have the same issue Marina. Android first displays a still image, then loads the page. The white flash a page image loading. They tell me that they are going to add an option for loading your page in android so that you will see white until the page is loaded, which would be mush better. Not sure when that will be available.
    It effects read aloud as well. Mine was jumping so bad I switched it to a still image. How big is your file size?
    Mine is 78MB works pretty good on a Galaxy Tab S2.

  3. mine is a huge one, with a lot of videos too. It's 200 Mb more or less, but this issue appears even at startup with a logo and a simple image on page. 8(

  4. The simple image file size might be to big on that page. Try shrinking it @ https://tinypng.com/ , and see if that helps.

  5. Carlton is right, and, moreover, you should try to change the order of actions, maybe you added too many action on "page load" -> your device can't keep up to the quantity (and QUALITY) of your objects -> that's why you see the white flash: it's rendering overload

  6. PS: A little hint...Keep in mind that you don't actually need HD images to give the feeling of an actual HD image on an iPad...;)

  7. thank you very much everybody! i'll try to optimize and keep you updated.

  8. Marina, I added a white rectangle to the overlay panel. It helps in white flashes and load jumps. The white will be visible until the page loads. A great alternative.
    Object is (WHITE RECTANGLE), Covering entire page.
    Events in Rectangle is (LOAD)
    Actions in Load is (HIDE OBJECT)
    Fade Duration is 0 secs


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