Font Display Problems

  1. 8 years ago

    I've just import in my project a google font and I've install it on my device but I can't visualize it in the preview.
    It's my firs book and I've no experience about CSS.
    Can you suggest me an easy solution?
    Thank you

  2. Paolo A

    14 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Did you apply the font style to your text in the text editor?

  3. Yes, I can visualize it correctly in the text editor but not in the preview.
    I've tried to upload the application on a smartphon and on a tablet (both samsung) and the font is not the same. How can I be sure to visualized always the same font with the same interline on every devices?

  4. I had a similar problem with Google fonts on my Android devises. The font would change size and jump around on page load. I ended up taking out read aloud and replacing it with an image of the font and a button that activated a read along, (with no highlight). No problems after that. Works the same, you just don't have the highlighted font. This assures that the font will never move or change.

  5. mmmm..that sound to me more likely a "dimensions" problem.

    A) did you implement your current font by the CSS option or did you change it manually in each text box?

    B) Are you sure you chose the right dimensions of your app/epub from the start? (I mean even a slight change of 10 px can crash everything)

    If you're right in both the cases then could be something like this (wrong) process:

    • make a new text box
    • use a font
    • change the font manually and use one of the imported fonts
    • > can't see the correct rendering

    That could be due to the right box dimensions -> maybe you made a text box big enough for your first font, but then it ain't big enough for your new font -> rendering problem..

    Let me know if I was clear enough / you need something else :)

  6. Thank you Hem, I gave up on read aloud. I was told that it was a page loading issue with android. Works great as an image and a audio file with a button to activate.

    I can't get my iOS icon to show up on my devises. It's taking the first page image instead. I have all the icon images filled in. Dos you have any insight. Thanks

  7. mmmmmmh I didn't get it was about read aloud..anyway about what you asked on the cover image:

    Did you used the right dimensions? Maybe your device isn't rendering them as they're too big, the fallback option implemented by pubCoder automatically uses the first page for the cover/miniature, by what I've experienced...

    PS: consider that mostly the problem you can get from this GUI are dued to our errors in creating the right assets for the pages :) (I get these kinda errors in primis)

    Was this what you meant?

  8. I used the right pixel dimensions. The load image works fine. The icon image is the problem. Everything is filled in properly.


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