Html5 - Word highlight not working

  1. 7 years ago


    I created a HTML5 package and I uploaded all files into my web server(go daddy). Every thing works fine when i see the page, except for the two features.

    1. Each page load is slow.
    2. I see word-highlighter on the computer I designed when i preview. But the word highlighter is missing when I see them on web.

    Please let me know any inputs on this. Do you have any documents on how to optimize it so that page loading are faster ? Or I have missed something ?


  2. Paolo A

    7 Jun 2016 Administrator

    When publishing an HTML5 package the efficiency of the pages depends on different elements, in particular:

    • how large are the assets use: remember you are online, unlike an ebook or application - which is downloaded locally - images, videos, etc need to be optimized. Check for example the Pixels Density parameter in general settings, and lower it to 1x.
    • check how many actions/interactions, especially onload/onshow you have when loading each page. If too many this may slow down radically loading process.

    PubCoder CTO & Founder

  3. I have also noticed that the word highlighting is not working in HTML5. This was not addressed in the response.


  4. Paolo A

    25 Sep 2016 Administrator

    Hi Richard,

    could you share your file via wetransfer/dropbox/drive through Our team will look into it.


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