Scrollbar Feature

  1. 7 years ago

    I need to integrate some textfields with a scrollbar in y/vertical-direction. If I activate the scrollbar field, most of the time I get a scrollbar for both directions, but I just want the vertical one. Sometimes I get only the vertical bar, but I cant find a rule behind that. Is there a possibility to manipulate this?
    Best solution would be: fully hidden horizontal scrollbar.
    Second best: deactivated horizontal scroll bar.
    Could I use any css to have more controll?
    Would be great to get rid of the horizontal bar.
    Thanx in advance

  2. Angelo S

    23 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Hello Nicole,
    the horizontal scroll bar should be added only if there is something to scroll horizontally, but some browsers, e.g. Internet Explorer, add it anyway.
    You can force it to be hidden adding the following in the "CSS Styles" property of your text field:



  3. Great, thanks!


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