Language Localization

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi all,

    Bit of a mystery: We have an app with three language localizations (EN for US, UK, and AUK) . In Australia in the Apple app store, the correct language localization will be listed, but the app is downloading in UK English - this is not the main language, US English is set as the default. The phone in question is AU English, and located in Australia. However, the company that owns the phone is in the UK - is there something higher level than the device language setting that could be causing a different language localization to be downloaded, or is this a problem with the Apple app store (and I'm happy to take my question there if so!)


  2. I believe that the language setting is based upon the device setting, not the default. UK phone, UK language.
    US phone, US language and so on. The Localization is set up to pick up it's own device language. Hope this is helpful.

  3. Hi Carlton,

    That's what I thought too. It's interesting that the app localization is not correctly picking up the device's own language. Wonder if anyone else has run into this problem, or if there's something about the localization that we didn't properly address at the beginning.


  4. Maybe you can go into the device and change the language settings. I'll try on my Samsung Note and let you know. Cheers!

  5. I was wondering what ever happened to this question. I have recently seen a different problem. There is an app store in each country. If you have a US Apple ID you can only use the US app store and probably get the US app version. I have a German book with an app but I can't get the app because it is on the German app store (where I don't have an account) and the app is not in the US app store. I'm fine with the app being in German but I can't install it because I can't get to it. If Kate G used an Apple ID from the UK to download the app, it may be going to the UK app store and getting the UK version of the app. I've got to ask Apple about this. I need to be able to get to all localization versions...


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