Memory Game Widget behaves strange

  1. 7 years ago

    I have made a Memory game using the widget.
    It works perfectly for the first game I play when going to the page with the widget.
    But from the next game and on - using a button with the action "Start Memory Game" it doesn't work.
    Cards stay flipped though not a pair, some cards suddenly flips back to the Back image etc...
    Does anyone have a clue of what I am doing wrong?


  2. Aha! It seems that if I turn on the "Reveal Cards at Start" then it works!
    But still with "Reveal Cards at Start" turned off it doesn't work.
    Has anyone actually got a full Memory Game to work?

  3. I found a workaround: Turn on "Reveal Cards at Start" and set the Time to 0,001 second - then it all works.
    And only a Night Owl will notice:)

  4. Anna S 2

    15 Sep 2017 Administrator

    Hi John,

    can you send me the file .pubcoder?

    My mail address is


  5. Hi Anna,

    Sure - I have just send it via WeTransfer since the file is 200Mb.

    best regards

  6. Hey, John,

    I've had a Memory game on both my apps since they came out with it. I've had no issues with the game.
    Do you have multiple levels?

  7. 3 months ago
    Deleted 2 months ago by Angelo S

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