Android Keystore error

  1. 6 years ago

    every time I want to create an APK, Pubcoder tells me that something is wrong with the keystore file, even though I have not changed anything. I then open and close the settings without making any changes and Pubcoder suddenly creates the APK. However, Google Play then won't accept it, telling me that the keystore code is wrong...
    This is very frustrating because it means that every time I fix a bug reported by my Alpha-Testers, I need to upload the APK as a new app, since I have no way of restoring the original keystore code (Google Play does not allow published apps to be removed)...

  2. Angelo S

    6 Mar 2019 Administrator

    Hello Thomas,
    that shouldn't be the case, probably you are doing something wrong. Be sure to correctly select an application id and then create a keystore file with the same application id.
    Be sure to check here for more informations:


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