Highlighting stops after one minute (webapp)

  1. 5 years ago


    I noticed something weird. I use the Read aloud functionality in a webapp (HTML5). The trouble is about highlighting the text. Everything is fine if the duration of the text reading is less than one minute. When the reading of the text exceeds one minute, the end of the text (beyond one minute) is not highlighted any more. This issue appears in each browser. However, the highlighting continues till the end of the text when in another format (ePub3).
    Is it a bug? Did I miss something about Pubcoder configuration? How could I solve this issue?
    Thanks for your help.


  2. Hello,

    Could somebody explain me this strange behaviour? Am I the only one to face that issue? Is it a bug or something I did wrong?
    Thanks for your help.


  3. 4 years ago


    Could I please get some assistance or some kind of response on this?


  4. Edited 4 years ago by Dylan D

    Hi Dominique

    Did you ever get a response to this?
    We're getting a similar thing with the highlighting stopping roughly at the same spot on every page!
    (We're just testing now whether it's only when we do an HTML5 output).
    It's been feeling like I'm the only one experiencing this too. No signs of this issue except for your post.


  5. Hi Dylan,

    Unfortunately I wasn't able to solve this issue myself and didn't get any response. I use Pubcoder latest version for Mac and the bug remains. The positive point is that it's only when I create a web app.
    Well, if you find the key, please, don't forget me.
    Good luck anyway.


  6. Angelo S

    24 Sep 2020 Administrator

    Hello, we are aware of this issue in the HTML export. We are working on a brand new HTML reader which will solve the issue. Please check back in some weeks.

  7. 3 years ago

    Hi there,

    Any update on this issue? We're having the same behaviour.


  8. Angelo S

    6 Apr 2021 Administrator

    Hello Humberto,
    we should be able to release a beta of PubCoder 4 with the new html in a few days.

    I know we're late on this but we've been busy with other projects and also the new HTML reader was postponed to be part of PubCoder 4, where we are also optimizing the output itself to work better on desktop computers and chromebooks.

  9. Angelo S

    12 Apr 2021 Administrator

    Hello, PubCoder 4 beta is now available . Let us know if it fixes the issue correctly.

  10. Hello Angelo,

    It seems to be OK with me.


  11. Hello Angelo, Ok with me also. Humberto.

  12. Angelo S

    28 Apr 2021 Administrator

    Wonderful, thank you for you tests guys.


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