Sharing on social media

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi there,

    The HTML5 output has an option to have social buttons in order to share content on social media.
    As an example we can share with Facebook.
    But, how does it works? Can we share a single pubcoder page? Can we control the meta info facebook reads from the page?


  2. Paolo A

    25 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Hello Humberto,

    position yourself on HTML5 workspace, press on "Project Settings" button and select "Allow Sharing on Social Networks" checkbox (as shown in figure).


    The full link page with the entire book will be shared. There is no way to control the meta info, you can do that in the corresponding xhtml file if you want.

  3. Hi Paolo, thanks.
    Can you tell where is the xhtml file?

  4. 6 years ago
    Deleted 5 years ago by Angelo S
  5. 3 years ago

    Hello, does the current version of Pubcoder still have the option to have social media sharing buttons/embedding for the HTML5 output? I cannot see those sharing options on the Project Settings. Thanks for helping

  6. Angelo S

    9 Jun 2021 Administrator
    Edited 2 years ago by Angelo S

    We have removed this feature in PubCoder 4 since it was limited to certain services and users prefer to handle this on their own.

    As an alternative, you can easily use ShareThis or similar services and embed the sharing code in-page. Using ShareThis in PubCoder is a two-step process: simply paste the buttons code in a Smart Object:

    <div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons" data-url="" data-title="Sharing is great!"></div>

    and import the ShareThis library in Code → Project → HTML Head:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="" async="async"></script>

    Be sure to change the property value with the one for your own sharethis account.

    Here's an example project for this:

  7. Thank you Angelo!

  8. 2 years ago

    Hi Angelo,

    I was trying to access the example you shared, but I can't get it. I get the following message:

    Example Domain
    This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.

    More information...

    How can I get around it?

    Thank you

  9. Angelo S

    13 Jul 2022 Administrator

    Hi Carlos, I fixed the link in the previous message.

  10. Thank you soo much!


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